Nov 08, 2021 01:15 PM 0 Answers
Member Since Oct 2021
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Should I hold these stocks 8 weeks  NVDA up 37% and TSLA up 48%


That all depends if you are a trader or investor. An investor will hold through thick and thin because of conviction. I do not believe in the 8 week hold rule because it has burned me in the past. That being said, we are in a strong uptrend and you are holding two of the strongest stock in the market (Congratulations!).🙏

I am holding both stocks as well. However, if I see a sell sign then I will sell those stocks no questions asked. We must be flexible and open-minded. The rules are made to be bent/broken at times!

TSLA made a low today at $1,133.00, and then it bounced $60. I do not want to see that stock make a low below $1,133.00. That would be a sell sign for the trader in me as I do not want to hold a stock making lower lows.

NVDA broke out from the $230.43 buy point, and is not trading around the psychological $300 level.  The trader in me is watching the low on November 4 of $271.18 as my "line in the sand" and I would sell if it traded below that level.

I hope this answers your question.



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